Our vision is clear, our course is set, and now God will give the increase of those purposed to be part of our Destiny family. Consider all that was presented to you and what impact you would like to make on this community and the world as part. 

We use the word(s) partner or partnership because the Greek word "koinonia" which means "partnership” is used by Apostle Paul several times in his writings. He understands that partnership allows those that are connected, to share in receiving the same grace reward. We have decided to use partner more than member, because everyone is equal here and we do not have special tiers for anyone.

Partnership in Prayer - First, we want to solicit nothing less than your earnest prayers. We believe in having a strong covering of believers that will pray for our vision and ministry to be in the will of God. You will receive regular updates on our corporate prayers meetings, conference calls and intercession outlines. 

Launch Team – Will you partner with us to get involved in the beginning of what God has established? This manual will serve as an answer to many basic questions and spell out our vision. The opportunity for participation is tremendous, and we want to make as many details available, to potential founding members of Destiny. If you are interested in joining the Launch Team, we will contact you after we receive your Destiny Temple Partnership Card. 

Financially - Will you partner with us financially? Jesus said "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21). We believe that God has given the vision and He has also guaranteed provision. There are many people destined to be a part and support this ministry financially. We have decided not to be shy in disclosing the need, because a comprehensive list need to be matched by those funds that God has prepared. All gifts are tax deductible and checks made payable to "Destiny Temple".

Other resources/contacts – Will you partner with us by passing on the vision of Destiny to others? Many individuals have contacts in the Triad area who may be interested in partnering with Destiny. Others may have connections with people, churches, or businesses who want to align resources with this vision. This concise and thorough plan is an introduction to the basics of who we are and where we’re going.

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